The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

112: Becca Moore on Starting a Homestead



Becca lives in Northeastern Pennsylvania with her husband and seven children. She loves to garden, preserve her own food, spend time with her family and she’s an aspiring homesteader. She hopes to own a slew of chickens and maybe even a goat. Becca has started her own homestead and created a blog of her experiences called “Simply Quaint Homestead” to help others who hope to make the journey as well. Her specialty is gardening and home-canning and believes they go hand in hand. She says “If you can grow enough of your own food, you are able to home-can enough to make it through the winter.” Listen in to learn about: How her grandparents were the initial inspiration for her gardening love What she named her farm and why she was motivated to do so Why she raises her rabbits indoors Her definition of homesteading, and how you can ensure you self-sufficiency (this applies to apartment dwellers as well) How she is saving money through a variety of ways on her food supplies How she gains a sense of accomplishment w