The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

101: Paris Masek on Food Hubs and Small Farms



Paris Masek is the Managing Director for Green on Purpose and the Director of Agriculture Programs for Quincea Social Enterprises. He is also a PhD candidate at ASU in English Literature working with Indigenous American Literature and Cultures. He is an active member of the Maricopa County Food System Coalition as well as an urban gardener who uses raised beds, edible landscaping, and a flock of chickens in his downtown residence to keep fresh produce and eggs on his family’s dinner table.  Come listen as Paris talks about His path from heading towards a career in medicine then to marine biology to fish farming. Following in the footsteps of his father, and learning the craft of farming on summer breaks. Studying the fish in the SRP canals: grass carp, fingerlings, and big head carp How the organization Quincea works with people with disabilities and American veterans using agricultural jobs as vocational training. What a food hub is and how it connects with local small farms How food hubs can help solve foo