Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone

US May Help Ukraine Launch An Offensive On Crimea



Decamp writes that "The lessening concern about Putin resorting to nukes appears to be based only on the fact that he hasn’t used any up to this point." But this is as logical as believing that it is safe and wise to jump even harder on the sleeping bear you've been jumping on just because the bear hasn't woken up yet. The assumption that because a disaster has not happened in the past it will not happen in the future is a type of fallacious reasoning known as normalcy bias. The assumption that because a disaster has not happened in the past it will not happen in the future, even though you keep doing things to make it increasingly likely, is just being a fucking idiot. It's like Wile E Coyote jumping up and down on the land mine until it explodes because it didn't explode when the Roadrunner ran over it. Reading by Tim Foley.