SermonAudio Classics

The Battle Before and Behind



We begin 2023 with a mega-update VLOG to bring you up to speed on everything that has happened since The Foundations Conference 2022. Although we are still working hard to FILL THE RACKS, The Vault has now officially been opened. We're working with new interns from the BJU Computer Science Department and are grateful for their help. A major push is being made into additional native languages for our apps and website. We hit DAY 700 of our Daily United Prayer.--An interesting detail is given about King Abijah in 2 Chronicles 13 when he was met with the battle before and behind. He responded by crying out to the Lord and giving a shout -- basically, prayer and praise. We often begin praising God only -after- deliverance comes. But Abijah instructed the armies of Judah to sound the trumpets and give a shout even when they were surrounded and facing imminent destruction. It was only as they praised that God sent deliverance. May this be our response as well when we are in squeezing situations.--Help us FILL THE R