The African History Network Show

School Vendor serves Chicken, Watermelon, Waffles 1st day of Black History Month



School Vendor Aramark serves children at a New York Middle School Chicken, Watermelon & Waffles on the1st Day of Black History Month. Was this Cultural Insensitive? Michael Imhotep explains to Farajii Muhammad on 'The Culture' what should be done about it. Did you also know Watermelon dates by 5,000 years ago to Ancient Kemet (Egypt)? How did this fruit from Africa become a Racist Trope used to demean African Americans?  (Watch VIDEO) FREE LECTURE REGISTER NOW:  Sat. 2-11-23, 2pm EST: ‘Black Resistance Movements - Black History Month Origins - Michael Imhotep or   REGISTER NOW: Class #1, Sat. 2-11-23, 2pm EST! ‘Ancient Kemet, Moors, Understanding The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade’ 12 Wk Online Course!