The Children's Book Podcast

Tiffany Jewell



Tiffany Jewell (@tiffanymjewell) shares THIS BOOK IS ANTI-RACIST, her debut book. Listeners, I cannot even do this interview justice in this intro. Tiffany Jewell is an anti-bias, anti-racist educator and leader. This book dropped like a bomb into my professional learning and having the opportunity to interview Tiffany was both an inspiration and an education. Tiffany speaks on allowing her students to show her where to go. That’s something I’ve been working hard on as well. I’m going to keep on learning, and it’s in no small way because of the work that Tiffany and others are doing to help show the way. By the way, I highly recommend participating in the Anti-Racist Book Club Tiffany co-hosts with Britt Hawthorne on Instagram. As Tiffany puts it regarding doing the work of anti-racism, we can’t not talk about it. You can access even more information about this book and its author by visiting Thank you to this week's sponsors: Highlights Foundation Storyteller Academy