The Children's Book Podcast

Karina Yan Glaser



Karina Yan Glaser (@KarinaYanGlaser) shares THE VANDERBEEKERS TO THE RESCUE. In her third and latest installment in the VANDERBEEKERS series the five Vanderbeeker children find themselves in dire circumstances when new pets begin mysteriously arriving at their door. This might not seem like trouble alone, but the timing is less than ideal when the inspector shows up at their door in order to assess if the premises is up to regulation standards for mom to open her at-home bakery. And it really is top priority they get the house in order before the photo crew come to shoot for the article that will feature mom and her glorious baked goods. I would say what could possibly go wrong, but there is no wrong where the Vanderbeekers kids won’t feel called to the rescue. It’s exactly this earnestness and sincerity and stick-with-it-ness that keeps me coming back to the Vanderbeekers over and over and over. As Karina points out in our conversation, it can be really hard to follow your dreams. But with any luck, you’ve g