Amanda Carroll

#26 Beating Yourself Up? Four Ways to Feel Better NOW



If you are beating yourself up for a mistake, this will help you feel so much better! Mistakes aren't bad! If you’ve had a mess up or a failure too… this is how to reframe that experience into the best thing that ever happened to you. This is a very special episode! My plan was to record the entire thing while "Getting My Brave On" and biking around Lake Tahoe. BUT! I arrived in Tahoe without my suitcase and the only pair of shoes I had were the platform wedges I was wearing. I was beating myself up. THIS is what I learned and how I got through! In this episode: 4 WAYS TO FEEL BETTER. 1. What’s missing and what is there2. Push Yourself… set a goal… that you have no clue to reach. 3. Understand Failure is Not Bad4. Shut the Mouths of the Lion with special prayerBONUS LESSON What to look for in a relationship! Did you get your free gift yet? Download Free Brave Life Planner Carroll's Instagram would LOVE