The African History Network Show

Should African Americans Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Do you know what you are C



Should African Americans Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Do you know what you are Celebrating? Part 1 with Michael Imhotep host of ‘The African History Network Show – 3-19-23 (WATCH VIDEO) March 17th, 2023 better known as St. Patrick’s Day. Around this time of the year you will see St. Patrick’s Day Parades, Kiss Me I’m Irish T-Shirts, Green Beer, etc. It is expected that over 130 million Americans will spend approximately $6.9 Billion on St. Patrick Related items. One of the strangest things you will see is African Americans participating in this “celebration”. Do you really know what you are celebrating? Have you studied the history of St. Patrick’s Day? Even if you claim that you have Irish Ancestry do you really know what you are celebrating? Did you know that Patrick was not Irish he was British? Why do we participate in celebrations without knowing what we are participating in? If you wear Green on St. Patrick’s Day, will you wear Red, Black & Green on African Liber