The Children's Book Podcast

A Kids Book About (Friends of the Children’s Book Podcast)



Welcome to the Children’s Book Podcast. I’m Matthew.   I am a teacher, a librarian, and a fan of kids. And, honestly? I’m angry.    I’m angry about guns and about gun violence and I’m angry most of all that so many of these incidents involve young people, kids. And specifically, young Black kids and other kids of color.   These incidents can be prevented. They can be stopped. And yet we see them on the rise in America, happening more and more, year after year.     Today, and for the past several days, the name on my mind and on my heart is Ralph Yarl from Kansas City, Missouri.    Maybe your grownups already talked to you about this incident. Maybe your friends at school were talking about it. Maybe you’re hearing about it here for the first time. If you have questions, I encourage you to reach out to your grownup. They might not yet have the just-right words to say, but it’s important they know that you’re thinking about it.    I’d like to use our time together today to share an episode of A Kids Book About: