Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

How To Create A Safe Space For Vulnerable Podcast Interviews



Welcome to a crossover episode of a different sort. But first: How are you doing? No, really? I ask because May is Mental Health Awareness Month. So many of us, myself included, struggle to articulate how “off” we feel right now, a cruel joke given that the good folks and orgs behind this month’s observance urge us to check in with our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.  I’ll go first (yikes!): The only way I can describe my current state of mind is fragile. Can you relate? If you’re an entrepreneur, an educator, a corporate employee, a HUMAN, I bet you can. You’re okay. I acknowledge and honor your struggle. This episode isn’t about mental health per se. It’s about creating a secure and attentive environment for guests to feel supported, understood, and willing to engage in vulnerable conversations. The high schoolers behind Power Your Story, my student mentee podcast, beautifully illustrate my point. Their cohort-led interview with Peer Support Specialist and Mental Health Advocate Ashley Scot