Malcolm Cox

S2: Preview Class | “The Book of Haggai: The Glory Will Be Greater” | Malcolm Cox



Preview Class: Introduction and Background to “The Book of Haggai: The Glory Will Be Greater”. Why this book? Do you and your group need to assess your priorities from time to time? Have you been given a great work for God to do? Do you sometimes get off track and forget that our discipleship is about pleasing God and bringing him glory? Are there occasions when you get tired labouring for the Lord, not seeing the results you had hoped for? Do you need God’s reassurance, and a divine vision? Do you find it challenging to believe that the future will be more glorious than the past? If so, this book is for you! Key Themes Soberness; Priorities; God’s Discipline; United Work for God; Leadership; Speaking the Truth; vision of God’s glory in which we participate Core Idea Taking joy in pleasing and honouring God (1:8) Next week is Class 1 - Background and Chapter 1 Please add your comments on this week’s topic. We learn best when we learn in community.  Do you have a question about teaching the Bible? Is it