Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep316: Quiet Time Coaching Episode 316 | “Hearing God Series” | Part 1 | Malcolm Cox



Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God; Dallas Willard Last two weeks have struck a chord with you and me. Therefore I decided to re-read the book “Hearing God: developing a conversational relationship with God" this week. Made notes and decided to do a multipart series - one for each chapter of the book. As with all of Willard’s themed books, it is about much more than the actual title or theme in the title. In truth, it's really about what it means to know Christ and to live for him in this world. Today we look at the introduction, or technically the preface. He sets up the book by noting that God wants an intimate friendship with us. He references the following Scriptures: Exodus 29:43-46; 33:11; Psalm 23; Isaiah 41:8; John 15:14; Hebrews 13:5-6. He could have chosen many more. Let me read some of these to us today. As I do so, ask yourself what is telling you about God's desire for the kind of relationship he wants to have with you and me. Ex. 29:43-46 there also I wil