Malcolm Cox

S2: War, Anxiety and Hope | Tim & Shevvy Dannatt, Malcolm Cox



We were asked to provide a spiritual perspective on what is going on in Ukraine at the moment. How do we handle our anxieties and what do we pray about? Tim reminds us that God is sovereign, he has a plan somewhere in this, and that he cannot be opposed. He shares from Matthew 2:13-15 to show that a wicked ruler like Herod was ultimately thwarted by God. Shevvy offers reassurance in our uncertainty by bringing us 1 Peter 5:7 and Philippians 4:6-7, reminding us that God cares about us and is able to give us a deep peace beyond human understanding. I share some personal thoughts and some teaching about war and pacifism. Additional notes are attached for those who wish to look into this more fully. Ten Peacemaking Practises: Stassen & Gushee,  1. Support non-violent direct action 2. Take independent initiatives to reduce threat 3. Use cooperative conflict resolution 4. Acknowledge responsibility for conflict and injustice;