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Churches stop displaying white Jesus/white Jews in bible: Tell the truth



Sunday, 5 p.m. CST, May 28, 2023 Yes, his truth is marching on, but with opposition from some churches!!! How can you teach echatology (end-time events) without acknowledging who the real Jews are? Of course, there are great churches doing great things spiritually, physically, and mentally. But the ministers will have to give an account to the Father for the damage they know of from these lying images. Many men of God/Yah are highly intelligent and simply know better. They know that the people of the Bible are literally people of very dark skin, and they see dark-skinned people suffering around them with a serious identity conflict inside. Yet they are more concerned about a church split if they tell the truth. They should simply trust the same God, or Yah, they have been teaching about. Even though the new identity in Christ trumps the fleshly identity, this doesn't give them an alibi to participate in white supremacy. We need all the truth to sustain us, and furthermore, the nations must know. Also, let's t