The Hardcore Self Help Podcast

Episode 357: Getting Off Antidepressants & Feeling Sexy With Partner Again



Hello, friends! I hope you're all doing great. In today's episode, we dive into the following awesome listener questions: Our first question comes from a listener who's considering whether to continue their journey with antidepressant medication. They've been told by their doctor that most people stay on these medications for life, but they're not sure if this path is right for them. They're grappling with how to gauge if the medication is still necessary or if their mental health has improved enough to consider discontinuing it. We will delve into this complex issue, discussing ways to assess the effectiveness of antidepressants, the potential risks and benefits of long-term use, and how to make informed decisions about your mental health treatment plan. Our second question is from a long-time listener who has been struggling with feeling comfortable during intimate moments with their partner. Despite feeling sexy when alone, the listener finds it challenging to relax and enjoy intimacy with their partner, p