SermonAudio Classics

Global Sermons in Africa



This past week I had the opportunity to try out a GLOBAL SERMON in a very remote part of the world -- East Africa. I was able to record the reaction of the local Kenyans on video. It's priceless. --The impact and significance of Artificial Intelligence -AI- is profound and is taking the world by storm. It might be fair to say that AI could be the most transformative technology since the invention of the Internet itself. It is our belief that a powerful tool of this magnitude must be employed for the kingdom of God and the Gospel.--In our labs, we have successfully proven the concept of what we are calling -Global Sermons- where we can take any sermon preached in English and have it -re-preached- in multiple languages like French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. Because AI tools are fundamentally designed to handle large amounts of computationally intensive language models, we can achieve a high-level of accuracy and natural-sounding voice that has never before been possible.--We believe that this is our moment