Chats With Gigi

Is Focusing Only on Money Coming In Costing You Money In Business?



Yeah we wanna break six figures. Heck, maybe you wanna break seven figures! Get it queen!!! But is focusing only on what you wanna make costing you thoughsands? That's we're talking about today. Sure, bookkeeping isn't as sexy as some other business topics but it's more important than most other business topics and here on the Chats with GiGi Podcast we focus on what's important, not just on what's fun. Our guest is a pro at bookkeeping and a total powerhouse. Aileen Martinez graduated from FIU at 22 with an MBA specializing in data analytics and has over 6 years of experience working in accounting and bookkeeping. She also has advanced certifications from QuickBooks Online and is an Intuit Certified Bookkeeping Professional. She knows firsthand how stressful running a business can be and the dread of the never-ending to-do list. She started Rise Up Bookkeeping to allow business owners to finally stop stressing about their books and run their businesses confidently knowing their records are perfect.Show Links