Chats With Gigi

#53 - 3 Tips to Ask for that Raise You Want



So, you want a raise but you don't know how to ask for it. We got you! Ruzana Glaeser is here with 3 Tips to Ask for That Raise you Want (and deserve).Ruzana is a co-founder of a website that strives to empower women and enlighten men on struggles women face with daily. Ruzana is a successful sourcing professional whose expertise lies in negotiations and relationship management. She has experience working for manufacturing and retail companies, in the US and abroad, for large corporations as well as small privately held firms. Aside from the busy business world, she feeds her passion of empowering women through researching, blogging, mentoring, and connecting!It's time to get the tools you need to speak up and stand up for yourself getting that raise you've been wanting for ... ever?Join the conversation using the hashtag #CHATSwithGiGi and subscribe to the podcast so you can be the first to find out when next week's episode drops!