The Hardcore Self Help Podcast

Episode 363: Treating a Phobia of Wasps & Adjusting to Moving in With a Partner



Hello, friends! I hope you are treating yourselves well. In this episode, we dive deep into two thought-provoking listener questions. Our first discussion revolves around a listener who's grappling with a profound fear of wasps, known as spheksophobia. This phobia has had a significant impact on their quality of life, especially during the summer. We delve into the nature of specific phobias, their prevalence, and debunk some common misconceptions about wasps. Moreover, we explore potential strategies for addressing and managing such fears, emphasizing the role of exposure therapy and the significance of understanding one's fear hierarchy. The second question opens a window into the world of a couple navigating the challenges of moving in together. One partner has relocated from a cherished home, and both are experiencing the typical growing pains of cohabitation for the first time. We discuss the importance of communication, curiosity, and compromise in this new chapter of their relationship. By establishing