Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

I Will Put My Spirit Within You



Ezekiel 36:27 — If one fails to understand the completeness of the gospel and Christianity, they will fail to reap the benefits given by God. First, all need forgiveness and to be washed of their sins. One cannot receive help from God until they receive forgiveness. They must be in a right relationship with Him to receive anything from Him. But, after being made right, how can the Christian live to His standards? In this commentary on Ezekiel 36:27 titled “I Will Put My Spirit Within You,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches the glorious truth that God says He will put His spirit in His people and cause them to walk in His statutes. This is a promise. It is all God’s work from beginning to end. This power is seen in the apostles—the acts of the apostles are really the acts of the Holy Spirit. The cowardice of people is now replaced with a unique confidence. Christ not only justified His people, but He also forgave them and then made them holy. God does not halfway complete His work; He gave His Spirit to solidify