Queens Podcast

Anne Boleyn part 1 for Tudor Week!



Who's that girl? It's Anne! Anne Boleyn is one of the most infamous figures in British history. Her short life is often defined by her marriage to King Henry VIII, her role in the English Reformation, and ultimately, her execution. However, in this episode (part of our Tudor Week celebration), we are taking it back to where it all began. At some place in some year. Yeah, record-keeping wasn't the best in the 16th century. Anne cut her teeth for politics and royal courts at one of the most prestigious courts belonging to Margaret of Austria (who you can learn more about in our two-part series from earlier this year). This gave her a special advantage and taught her how to conduct herself in a way that would eventually win her many, many admirers. Dukes, Earls, poets.... even kings would find her captivating! Anne's early life was marked by ambition and determination. She refused to become the king's mistress, insisting that she would only marry him if he could obtain an annulment from Catherine another very