Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

45. The most important measure for salon success



The free cheat sheet is here: Hello and welcome, and it’s that time of the year again. I thought it was good timing for me to share what I think is the one most important measure for measuring the success of a member of your team. The one measure that I’m going to share with you today that I think is vital, is called utilisation. Essentially how busy one member of your team is. Some Salon coaches around the world, will say that the average bill is the most important measure, and I don’t think that’s correct. We’ve had turn our marketing into a machine for a successful Salon, and that involves running promotions, discounts or a loyalty programme. So, average bill will look a little bit more negative, utilisation will show us how busy somebody is. The other measure is the amount of money they’re putting in the till. Your service total or your service and retail total, isn’t necessarily a great measure of how brilliant a Stylist or Therapist is. The other problem with using service and reta