Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

36. Who is in control in YOUR salon



How do you feel when you think about your Salon and your Salon team, when you think about your week ahead? Are you excited and motivated, or is there a part of you which is a little bit fearful, or anxious about the week ahead? I’ve had my own Salon for fifteen years now, and on three separate occasions I have been guilty of allowing my team to hold me hostage. There are some warning signs if you get into the stage of what I call the more, more, more decease then you are probably being held hostage by that member of the team. You need to be very careful about how much you give that member of the team. Also if you’re finding that there are members of your team that just aren’t carrying out your instructions then they’re chancing their arm. What they’re saying to you in a very unsubtle way is that they believe you won’t take measures if they’re not carrying out services how you’ve asked them to. Now I need you to be brave if this is happening to you, the situation has to be sorted straight away, and we’re going