The Hardcore Self Help Podcast

Episode 365: Getting Autism Diagnosis as an Adult & Living with Partner's PTSD



Hello, all! I hope that you are staying healthy and safe. In this episode, I cover two very interesting questions. In the first, someone has been through almost every treatment for depression and anxiety under the sun, yet they still struggle. Their therapist suggested that they may be on the autism spectrum and the person is wondering whether it would be useful to get an evaluation. We discuss the potential benefits as well as how to go about finding (and affording) an evaluation. Next, someone has PTSD from their partner's PTSD reactions. Their partner is a war veteran with multiple brain injuries and the question-asker is wondering how they can stay afloat mentally when their partner does not get help. We talk about ways to avoid codependence, how to establish boundaries, and when to call it quits. As always, you can send me questions to and find the show notes for this episode at ----- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Rather than letting yo