Milenomics ² Podcast - No Annual Fee Edition

TravelStories Episode 17: Annual Guys Trip to Rio



Annual Guys Trip to Rio Episode 17: Show Notes. We’ve recently returned from our second annual guys trip, and we’re feeling “Braziliant!” Last year, we headed to Manila, and this time we spent the weekend in Rio de Janeiro. This trip had a few “firsts” for us, including Tom’s first time flying United Polaris and both of our first times flying Air Canada. When traveling, there’s usually a trade-off between time and money, and for this vacation, we were willing to fork out a little bit of extra cash to enhance our experiences, and it was well worth it! From the pros and cons of our outward and homeward bound trips, to the night we closed all the bars in our vicinity, to the jam-packed day of sightseeing that was made all the more memorable thanks to our private tour guide, tune in today to hear why Rio is definitely a place that we will be visiting again (and again!).  Key Points From This Episode: [00:55] How our recent guys trip to Rio de Janeiro came about.  [02:04] Our experience o