"tapp" Into The Truth

Democrat Assaults on Your Rights Continue Across the Country



New Mexico Democrat Governor Michelle Grisham signed an executive order declaring that gun violence was a public health emergency and banned people from being able to carry guns in Albuquerque and the surrounding county. The California State Assembly has passed the amended AB 957 now leaving it up to Governor Gavin Newsom if judges will be required to consider a parent “affirming” a child’s “gender identity” in court. A new study shows a significant amount of overlap between government and pharmaceutical jobs, leaving the government “vulnerable to industry bias." The Biden administration has petitioned the SCOTUS to intervene against restrictions imposed on the chemical abortion drug mifepristone. A federal appeals court ruled against Mississippi’s permanent voting ban for certain felons. A federal appeals court has ruled that the Biden administration cannot coerce or “significantly encourage” social media companies to censor content. Visit 4Patriots and use code Tapp at checkout for 10% off on everything in