Note Night In America

5 Success Tips for New Note Investors



Would it surprise you that there is a 90% failure rate of people failing to take action after attending an investment workshop or conference? Less than 10% of people take action! All that time, energy, and money spent on learning something only to do nothing. That's like going to school to be a doctor only to just work at 7-Eleven instead. Why is that?My opinion is that educators are great at teaching the nuts and bolts of a topic but horrible on delivering actions and marketing that will help their students achieve success. Or they hold out on the "secret sauce" as a way to limit deal flow or try and sell coaching that doesn't pay off. If you know me, I'm determined to help my students close deals as I am a believer that there is plenty of deal flow to go around IF you'll take action. But taking action is only one step in the process!So tonight on Note Night in America, I'll break down the 5 Tips for Success as a Note Investor. I'll share how you can overcome your fear or failure to take action to help you f