

What does our great-great-great grandparents’ lifestyles have to do with whether or not we’re susceptible to certain diseases? Everything, apparently! Our genes determine everything about us, and our lifestyles influence how our genes are expressed, not only in our bodies, but in the bodies of our descendants! Today we discuss essential oils and genetics with David Krantz, certified Epigenetic Coach who specializes in boosting cognitive function and helping clients harness their creative and personal power. David shares how reading your genetic markers and recommending specific essential oils, foods, and exercise levels can make the all the difference between health and illness.  See full show notes for this episode HERE. (You can also leave a comment there on the site) Orange essential oil: try a drop in a glass of red wine!  Rosemary and basil essential oils: beneficial for cognitive function, telomere health (length)  New to essential oils? Master the basics with our FREE Essential Oils