

Sometimes symptoms such as headache, lethargy, or unexplained weight gain are treated with a pharmaceutical band-aid, when they are actually signs of a digestive imbalance. In today’s interview, Laurie Seely shares her story as a sufferer of irritable bowel syndrome and Candida overgrowth, and the path she took to digestive freedom. Laurie is a professional opera singer who became a Functional Medicine Health Coach after making her journey back to health. A self-proclaimed “health detective”, she now leads others back to digestive health with workshops ,group programs, essential oils, and one-on-one coaching. This is one episode that shouldn’t be missed! If you poop (and especially if you don’t), you will benefit from listening to this interview! See full show notes for this episode HERE. (You can also leave a comment there on the site) 7 Steps To Kil lCandida and Repair Your Gut Laurie’s blog post Young Living’s Cleansing Trio Kit Master Cleanse Bristol stool chart New to essential oi