"tapp" Into The Truth

Hamas Attacks Israel and Leftist in America Defend the Terrorist



U.S. officials have acknowledged preliminary reports that at least four American citizens were killed and seven others have gone missing after Hamas launched a series of attacks against Israel. Hamas, a Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization, confirmed that it received support for its recent surprise attacks on Israel from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and others, although they declined to say who else provided support. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian American and member of the leftist “Squad” in the House, released a statement on the Hamas militant group’s attack on Israel from Gaza, placing the blame on what she called an “apartheid system” backed by the United States. Karen Attiah, a Washington Post columnist who once led the paper’s international opinions section lent support this week to those kidnapping, raping, and killing Israeli citizens by suggesting that Hamas style terrorism is what "decolonization" means.  Visit 4Patriots and prepare for what