Wise Words

89: Building Digital Sanctuaries - Big Tech & Children's Online Safety



As the metaverse continues to evolve from fiction to reality, with platforms like Roblox, Fortnite, and Meta gaining popularity, should we be concerned about its implications, especially for our children? The Metaverse has had a tumultuous development to say the least - last year following its reveal there was a lot of hype surrounding the potential of what it can be. But the conversation quickly died down with recent leaps in AI development taking center stage. But with recent news of hyperrealistic podcasts now being filmed in the Metaverse, we’re starting to get a glimpse of what this technology will entail in the future. With the concept of the metaverse still being an ambiguous concept to many, it’s important to go past the hype and consider the safety and privacy implications of this technology. To shed light on this issue, Founder of Bracket Capital, Yalda Aoukar shares alarming statistics about the rise in online child exploitation and abuse. She discusses how predators are using online gaming and