Marketing From The Roosevelt Room

Ep 27: The Complete Entrepreneur The Power of Networking with Kevin Thompson



The Complete Entrepreneur: The Power of Networking with Kevin Thompson Over the last decade, Kevin Thompson has created over 16.1 million in revenue solely through strategic partnerships. Depending on who you are, this might not sound like a big number, or it may seem huge. But here’s the best part… Kevin’s an expert at structuring profitable and rewarding strategic partnerships that are a huge win for everyone involved. He’s proven the process he’ll be sharing with you today over and over again… 453 times over the last ten years to be exact. After years of experience, Kevin now serves his clients by delivering appointments with pre-qualified high-end buyers who want to talk about working with them. He knows things many people don’t when it comes to strategic partnerships. He knows how to set them up, he’s done it hundreds of times and is passionate about showing other entrepreneurs how they can have the same kind of results. What You’ll Learn Why it’s important to know and understand the value of networking