"tapp" Into The Truth

Anne Frank is Not Diverse Enough for Germany



Steven Crowder released three pages of Nashville School Shooter Audrey Hale’s diary. At least 45 Americans have been injured in recent attacks in Iraq and Syria, more than twice as many as the Pentagon has disclosed. A school district in California’s Bay Area is launching an initiative to train over a hundred students to become Critical Race Theory activists in a plan that could cost more than $100,000. California taxpayers are bankrolling gender surgeries for prisoners, with the state spending over $4 million on life-altering procedures since 2017. After Russia decided to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), NATO allies responded by announcing they will also withdraw from the treaty. The German city of Tangerhütte has announced plans to rename a daycare center after migrant parents reportedly expressed concerns that the current name does not accurately reflect the diversity of the community. Indianapolis police arrested a woman who drove her car into a building she thought w