Bible Study Evangelista Show

Ep #494 St. Thérèse of Lisieux and The Little Way



Healing the heart is about memory and emotion. Whatever and wherever our painful memories and emotions from the past are, they influence our present and future through our inner child. Learning to love the demanding, controlling little you that still screams for attention and protection in your present and future can be challenging, but it is possible, and Jesus teaches it is necessary.  "Unless you become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matt 18:3). Sometimes your hurt is too early to recall, only feel, as in womb experiences or pre-verbal, pre-self-aware implicit memory. Can we reach that deeply? St. Thérèse Lisieux shows us a way, The Little Way. We become little again.   Thank you with all my heart to my newest Friends of the Show, Cynthia R, Cynthia C, Katy P, Joan R, and Jennifer S, for loving and lifting me! Friends of the Show get all Premium Content!  Our Monthly Meetup Bible study series on the Gospel of John is out of this world. You coming? LOVE the Word® is