The Melissa Ambrosini Show

539: Leila Hormozi | From Being Arrested Six Times To Earning $100M



How do you go from being arrested  six times to earning $100M — all before the age of 28?That's the remarkable story of today’s guest, Leila Hormozi. Together with her husband Alex, Leila runs a business empire that now rakes in over $200M annually. She's an expert in scaling, operations and leadership, with a work ethic that's the envy of entrepreneurs everywhere.In this hugely inspiring conversation, we’re diving deep into a few critical questions: How do you build a wildly successful business? How do you program your mindset for success? And what does it *really* take to create the life of your dreams?Press play to hear Leila’s epic insights on: what all successful CEOs have in common, her unconventional approach to hiring new team members, her unique strategies for consistent content creation, the daily habits that allow her to outperform her peers, how she coaches herself through tough moments, and why stepping outside your comfort zone is crucial for achieving your dreams.Leila also gets personal,