SermonAudio Classics

Foundations Conference Speaker // Harold Vaughan



On a personal note, I think this conference is unique in that it brings together speakers from very different circles. Harold Vaughan is an old-time evangelist that has a burden for prayer and revival. I'm thankful for my friendship with him. Enlarge your tent, enjoy the blessing, and make friends of God's children.--Harold Vaughan invites you to join us for The Foundations Conference in NYC, Dec 12-13, 2023. Speakers will include Steven Lawson, Joel Beeke, Alan Benson, Harold Vaughan, Ian Macleod, and Curtis Knapp.--Now more than ever, God's people need to get serious about focusing on the foundations of ministry- -powerful preaching, united prayer, and God-honoring praise.---For this year, we will have the joy of singing some well-beloved psalms from our newly-published -Foundations Psalter- in Scripture-based praise. In an increasingly divided world, let us gather around these foundations of ministry and enjoy a season of fellowship, refreshment, and unity.----REGISTER NOW----www.thefoundationsconference.c