The Psychology Podcast

The Real Differences Between the Generations || Jean Twenge



Today we welcome Jean Twenge to the podcast. Jean is professor of psychology at San Diego State University. She frequently gives talks and seminars on generational differences and technology based on a dataset of 39 million people. Her audiences have included college faculty and staff, parent groups, military personnel, camp directors, and corporate executives. Her work has been repeatedly featured by the media. She has authored more than 180 scientific publications and books including iGen, Generation Me, and The Narcissism Epidemic. Her latest book is called Generations. In this episode, I talk to Jean Twenge about the real differences between the generations. Did you know that our current time has the most number of living generations to co-exist? Unfortunately, there is often conflict and miscommunication between them. According to Jean, this is largely due to how the advancement of tech has shaped major life experiences. She shares interesting statistics about each cohort and debunks common misconception