Happy Hour With Dennis And Erik

Ep. 201 – I Smelled God In The Wind



Buy a round! Become a Patron! Links The Book of Longings, by Sue Monk Kidd (Amazon) Ep. 191 – Preying on Campassion and Fear, episode where we discuss cheese place Immaculate Conception (Wikipedia) Tommy DeVito (WIkipedia) Vagal maneuver (Wikipedia) Richland We fought like tigers every day. Each day’s tides changed and stoked the fray. I hated you, but hate me worse. My love for you is such a curse. Since you left, it’s lonely misery. I hold your picture, tears out the heart of me. My love for you is such a curse. I hate myself, even worse. I’m so miserable since you’re gone. It’s almost like you never left. I’d have you back, if you’d have me. I’ll bring the gloves, you bring the repartee. We’ll fight like hell, then make sweet love. It’s so worse than now, Than what we’ll be is such a curse. I’ll hate myself, even worse. I’m so miserable since you’re gone. It’s almost like you never left. I’ll have you back, if you’d have me. I’ll bring the gloves, you bring the repartee. I’m higher than a doctor’s bill.