Iron Sharpens Iron

The 5F's: Why Men Need Friends (EP. 205)



This week we continue our series on the 5F's as we turn our attention to FRIENDS. Why do men need friends? Most men, especially Christian men, feel like they don’t have a lot of or any close friends. We often have acquaintances but not friends. Friends is the The #1 most neglected F in the 5F’s. Why are friends so important to the Christian man’s walk? #1 – For Accountability – a friend to hold you accountable and challenge you #2 – For Growth, a friend to process life with and grow with #3 – For Adventure, a friend to hang out with and pursue adventure with Life gets busy with marriage, kids, and work that we often lose those early adulthood friendships. We often feel guilty sacrificing time with our wife or kids to go hang out with friends. Men, we weren’t meant to do this life alone. We need other men in our lives who will walk alongside us as we strive to be more like Jesus. We know, it’s hard to find Christian male friends without it feeling awkward! So how do I even get started? Be okay with stepping