Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

3 reasons you should supplement with creatine | Darren Candow, PhD



Episode #291. What if there was a safe supplement that could improve recovery and performance, keep bones strong while aging, and offer brain benefits? Enter creatine. Join me as I sit down with Dr Darren Candow, PhD, CSEP-CEP, to learn about what creatine can – and can’t – offer you. Learn about how and why creatine is such a game changer, including potential benefits for recovery, performance, bone health, aging, and the brain. Dr Candow explains why some people respond better to supplementation, which type of creatine you should invest in, and exactly how much you should take for your goals. Specifically, we discuss: Intro (00:00) Darren Candow on Creatine: Expert Background Insights (01:23) Is Creatine Essential? Creatine Benefits and Supplementation (03:38) Aging and Creatine Supplementation: What You Need to Know (14:13) Creatine for Older Adults: Enhancing Health and Fitness (16:48) Creatine's Impact on Muscle, Strength, and Training Volume (22:11) What is the Optimal Dosage of Creatine for Max