VCY America

LGBTQ+ Agenda Continues Its Advancement



Increasingly, the push for full acceptance and promotion of the LGBTQ- agenda is advancing. In fact, According to one poll, 28- of Gen-Z adults are identifying as LGBTQ. --The result-- Women's sports are being decimated and dominated by men who are identifying as women. Leading up to the Super Bowl, the NFL is committed to bowing to the diversity, equity and inclusion movement as it will be hosting the third annual, -A Night of Pride- with GLAAD during Super Bowl Week. Politically, additional LGBTQ- appointments to the federal bench are being made by the Biden administration, while polyamory is on the increase.--Are we fast approaching the days of Lot-- That's a question to ponder as Crosstalk welcomed Peter LaBarbera back to Crosstalk. Peter is the founder and president of Americans for Truth. He's a former reporter for the Washington Times and and a former contributing editor for Human Events.- -The Public Religion Research Institute is the organization making the claim that 28- of Gen-Z ad