VCY America

Israel at War: Tunnels, Terrorism & Threats



January 27th, was International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The words -Never Again- was associated with lessons learned from the holocaust that never again would such genocidal actions take place. Yet on October 7th, 2023, another genocidal attack took place by Hamas. Calling this attack genocidal is no exaggeration as the Hamas charter expresses the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth. So as a means of self-preservation, Israel has gone to war against Hamas in an attempt to permanently eradicate the threat.--The war is now in its 17th week. As of today, rockets continue to be launched toward Israel. Recently, at an outpost in Jordan, 3 U.S. soldiers were killed and over 30 service members were injured by a drone attack. All this is taking place while threats continue to come from Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi camps.--Appearing on Crosstalk to bring his perspective on Israel and the Middle East was Dr. Jim Showers. Dr. Showers is executive director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. He lea