Iron Sharpens Iron

Men & Money: Manage Money With a Biblical Perspective (EP. 207)



This week we wrap up our 5 week series on The 5F's as we close it out talking about FINANCES. The Bible has a ton to say about money, finances, debt, about providing for our families. If we are going to be men of integrity, finances is an area we MUST focus on! Most often, the reason your finances are suffering is because you are buying things you can't afford. This happens when we put our security in our social status, when we surrender to our consumeristic nature. Jesus teaches, do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21). Invest in things that bring more people to Jesus. It's ultimately about stewardship, what we have is ours because God gave it to us. Men, it all starts with our relationship with Jesus. Most often when you are financially unhealthy your eyes are off Jesus. If you are invest in your faith, your finances will fall in line. 5 Practical Tips to Thrive in Your Finances: #1 – Put God first #2 – M