VCY America

Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands



Many skeptics feel the Bible is a fairy tale or myth. Some claim it can't be trusted because it's full of contradictions and errors. Still others doubt the locations and events that the Bible describes. While the historical accuracy of the Bible has fallen under increased scrutiny and has been a topic of debate, new archaeological discoveries from an expanding host of ancient sites found in Bible lands continue to provide evidence pertaining to questions of reliability.--To provide insight on this issue, Crosstalk welcomed Dr. Titus Kennedy. Dr. Kennedy is a professional archaeologist and a research fellow at Discovery Institute. He is a consultant, writer and guide for history and archaeology documentaries and curricula, and currently directs archaeological projects in Bible lands. He's also researched and photographed archaeological sites and artifacts around the world. He's an author of the newly released, The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands- Uncovering Biblical Sites of the Ancient Near East