VCY America

How to Brainwash a Nation



Recently Jim reported on some startling figures indicating that nearly 30- of Gen-Z'ers are identifying as LGBTQ-. In some areas, Social Services are removing minor children from parents because they believe parents are not affirming. --The Daily Caller is running a story today regarding audio they've obtained of a psychologist at a medical training summit in 2022. This psychologist indicated that it's parents who do not affirm their child's gender identity as having a mental illness.--What's causing this brainwashing that makes people believe that socialism is better for America, that taking the life of the unborn is good but abusive to women to protect that same life-- --Perhaps even more telling is a statistic from George Barna and the Cultural Research Center indicating that pre-teens are on track to abandon biblical Christianity in record numbers. --Can we document what's causing this deterioration of society-- William Federer can and he does just that on this broadcast. He's a nationally known speaker,