Hallel Fellowship

Walking blamelessly before God: A ransomed life moving toward spiritual maturity (Exodus 6–9)



In this study of Torah reading וָאֵרָא‎ Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35), Pharaoh's unyielding heart despite God's plagues on Mitzraim (Egypt) foreshadows humanity's futile rebellion against the authority of the Creator, as echoed in Revelation. Pharaoh's "hardened" heart yields briefly with his son's death, which challenged both his lineage and Egypt’s deities. Pharaoh's obstinacy is part of a prophetic role for Israel to bear witness to the global importance of God's names El Shaddai and YHWH. That role, which reaches its fullness in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ), has come with persecution toward those who uphold the righteousness and sovereignty of the Creator.