VCY America

Warning Regarding “Gender-Affirming” Care



Dr. Jane Anderson is Vice President of the American College of Pediatricians and Lead Author of their Position Statement, -Mental Health in Adolescents with Incongruence of Gender Identity and Biological Sex- released in February, 2024.--As then former Vice-President Joe Biden was running for the presidency, he said that -transgender rights are the civil rights issue of our time.- Since being awarded the White House, he has made great efforts to transform government, our society, schools, sports and even medicine as he has carried through on his promise of advancing and seeking to normalize something which is not normal spiritually, mentally or even biologically. His administration has often claimed that gender transition procedures are -necessary- and has even used the phrase -life-saving.- Without body mutilating surgeries or the blocking of hormones or taking opposite sex hormones, his administration has warned of depression and even suicidal death.--While the Department of Health and Human Services contin