VCY America

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death



What is happening under the guise of public education is both frightening and appalling. Last Fall we learned of a Christian student who filed a religious discrimination lawsuit indicating she was ordered by Chicago Public School staff members to meditate during a required quiet time. She was told to bow to deity that she didn't recognize and to internalize mantras in order to reach -Zen.- --Other school districts have required students to memorize the Islamic pillars of faith and even take a field trip to a mosque. Textbooks have been rewritten to push Critical Race Theory and a false accounting of our nation's history. Planned Parenthood has been invited into schools for their services. Then there's the account earlier this month of a drag-queen teacher in West Virginia that was arrested on child sexual exploitation charges. In Colorado, legislation is being considered that would require the state's public and charter schools to socially transition any gender-confused student by adopting that child's prefer