Franklin (MA) Matters

FM #1146 - Town Council Capital Budget Subcmte Mtg - 02/21/24



This session of the radio show is the audio recording of the Franklin, MA Capital Budget Subcommittee meeting conducted on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. All four members of the subcommittee were present: Chair Debbie Pellegri, Vice Chair Bob Dellorco, Ted Cormier-leger, Brian Chandler. Town Administrator Jamie Hellen, Treasurer/Collector Kerri Bertone, Superintendent Lucas Giguere, along with almost all of the Town Department leaders; at least those with capital budget requests.This meeting covered the first round of capital budgeting. As noted during the session, there is about 1.5M remaining of “Free Cash” to be allocated during round 2.You can follow along with the agenda as each department section was covered and line item by line items, votes were conducted (with a few exceptions). Only one vote did NOT finish 4-0. That being the vote to fund the town/school website upgrade which passed 3-1 (Cormier-Leger cast the “no” vote). As noted when I shared the agenda, while this proposal was reviewed b